
Top 10 Reasons Why it’s Beneficial to Work with a Vendor Neutral Managed Service Provider


Many businesses today are seeing huge benefits to leveraging strategic cloud and telecom services.

If you’re considering a migration to the cloud or an integrated telecom/data solution, here are ten reasons why partnering with a vendor neutral managed service provider outweighs the benefits of going direct-to-carrier.

  1. Gain access to an unlimited number of suppliers.

    Managed service providers (MSP) build their success by growing business relationships with a number of trusted suppliers. MSPs that value a vendor neutral approach are dedicated to providing you with the most reliable, trustworthy, cost-effective supplier. This not only sets you up for success but it removes all of the legwork required in vetting the right supplier for your needs. All-in-all, this filters the optimum telecom and cloud providers based on your specific objectives, strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Secure a reliable point of contact.

    Isn’t it more appealing to have one point-of-contact for all of your technology solutions instead of someone different for each? By choosing a trusted managed service provider, you no longer need to keep track of multiple contacts for all of your telecom needs. You’ll have one point of contact that is charge. This means less work for you; all you need is one phone number and all your questions and concerns are answered.

  3. Obtain personalized strategy and solution planning.

    Managed service providers are experts who live and breathe specific industries. Your dedicated MSP focuses on strategizing and constructing the perfect plan for your needs and budget. Keep in mind, these vendor neutral suppliers have access to hundreds of trusted partners and therefore have no problem gathering multiple quotes.

  4. Eliminate quota-based salespeople.

    Going supplier direct often means dealing with a one-track minded sales rep. All they have in mind is how they can close the deal and earn their commission. But managed service providers have no quotas to fill and therefore their recommendations are unbiased.

  5. Develop a stable relationship with an MSP.

    Carrier sales reps have a tendency to hop around from company to company. However, vendor neutral suppliers are known to be more vested in the businesses that they work for. Reduce the headache of keeping track of your account representative and choose to invest in what is trending.

    Not only do you become a partner, but you are provided the opportunity to utilize these vendors as an extension of your own team. They will guide you in the direction of the future with recommendations tailored specifically to industry trends and company goals.

  6. Acquire greater leverage.

    The best MSPs develop strong relationships with cloud suppliers and telco carriers, which comes in handy when negotiating contracts or resolving service issues.

  7. Restructure your time.

    Every business owner knows how time consuming it is to run a successful business. You may frequently feel that there are limited resources, time and attention. However, by outsourcing your cloud and telecom integration tasks, you regain all that time you would have spent strategizing, vetting the various providers, and negotiating contracts. Now, those complex IT decisions are left to the professionals.

  8. Put your effort into running your business.

    Do you really want to take on the daunting task of vetting a new supplier for each service you need? As you know, researching products and services is a very time consuming task. If you choose to work with a managed service provider, you pass the duty on to the professionals who have all of the resources at their fingertips. Therefore, you’ll be more effective at what you do best.

  9. Stay current.

    Managed service providers are constantly surrounding themselves with the latest and greatest technologies. Their job is to keep a pulse on the evolving cloud and telecom technologies, so that you can leverage the right solutions that will increase efficiency and productivity.

  10. Cost savings.

    Besides the cost savings that come from combining services, you also save money on the IT professionals you would otherwise have to staff. Remember, hiring and training can be extremely expensive. Reduce costs by outsourcing to the professionals.

There you have it, 10 benefits to working with a vendor neutral, managed service provider.

Are you ready to start your partnership?

Contact CMS Technology Partners today to learn more!